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IQAC Responsibilities

  1. The IQAC shall act as the Documentation and Record Keeping Cell for the processing of Proposals received from Teachers.

  2.  The IQAC constituted in the college as per the NAAC guidelines is to be entrusted with the assessment of the Activities (for Option A)/ API scores (for Option B) as per UGC Regulations.

  3. The IQAC shall assist in the detailing of assessment criteria and methodology proforma as per the institutional requirements based on the Tables 1, 2 & 3 of Annexure II of this guidelines. The maximum score for such institutional indicators shall be 5 in the case of Table 3(b).

  4. The IQAC shall vet the application submitted by the eligible candidates and verify the supporting documents in accordance with regulation and assist the Screening Cum Evaluation Committee to prepare the final recommendation to DCE.

  5. The IQAC shall ensure submission of annual appraisal proforma for at least two/ three/ four/ five of the last three/ four/ five/ six years of the assessment period by each candidate.

  6. IQAC should ensure that research publications are in UGC recognized and reputable journals. Impact factor of journals should be verified and assured as per Thomson Reuter’s list. a) The requirement of UGC recognized publications will be strictly followed with effect from July 2016 only. Prior to this period publications may be as Refereed Journals; or Non-refereed but recognized and reputable journals and periodicals, having ISBN/ISSN numbers; or Conference proceedings as full papers (Abstracts not to be included). Points for Conference proceedings as full papers will be 10 for the said period. b) The old UGC Approved List of Journals has been replaced with the new ‘UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals (UGC-CARE List)’ w.e.f 14th June 2019. [UGC Public Notice on Academic Integrity; No.F.1–1 2018 (Journals)/CARE dated 14th June 2019]. The requirements of UGC-CARE listed Research Publications is to be strictly followed from 14-06-2019.

  7. The IQAC shall verify the Activities (for Option A)/ API scores (for Option B) claimed by the applicants and enter the same in the Proforma with necessary changes (Annexure I, Form 10 and 11 of this guidelines)

  8. The IQAC shall ensure verification of eligibility criteria and CAS criteria of all candidates.

  9. The IQAC shall ensure the Applicants were in Active Roll at the due date of Placement/Promotion.

  10. IQAC should maintain an inward register for registering and dispatching of proposals of Placement/Promotion in the following format.

  11. IQAC shall maintain personal folders of each teacher for proper filing of proposals of Placement/Promotion

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